Work Experience

Work Experience is strongly encouraged during the school holidays.

The benefits of Work Experience are numerous: helps students make career choices, assists with selecting senior subjects, and could result in School-Based Apprenticeships and future employment opportunities. 

Please find below the information about Work Experience for 2019.  There are seven weeks (Easter, June/July, September/ October holidays and the first week of December Holidays) when students can do work experience. The process for work experience is clearly explained on the flyer and the checklist.  Work experience agreements can be collected from the office at the student entry or it can be downloaded below.

Other information that can be found below is:

* Work Experience Agreement: This document covers you for Insurance while on Work Experience. I encourage students to complete Provider Details, Placement Details and Student Details electronically, as it can be saved and used for future placements (all that needs to change is the Provider Details)

* Work Experience Checklist: Reminder of what needs to be submitted/done to complete the placement.

Your safety in the workplace is our number one priority. Please ensure that all required documentation on the checklist is provided when lodging your Work Experience Agreement. The school will only support Work Experience on the dates published on the Work Experience Flyer. The school needs to be contactable while you are on work experience. 

Some placements** need to be arranged by the school so please feel free to email me your dates first so I can contact the Provider (this is all explained in the Work Experience Flyer)

** Wilmar placement can only take place during the crushing season. This means placements can only happen in the June/July and September/October Holidays.  I will send out an email to students about locations and positions available at each Mill in term 2 for placement in these two holiday periods. 

** Townsville Hospital & Health Services (THHS) placement (see attachments)

Please feel free to email Antonetta Dalle Cort if you have any questions  


45 Gibson Street,
Ayr Qld 4807

P (07) 4783 2366
F Visit BCHS' Facebook Page


We are in week 3 of Term 1
There are 10 weeks in Term 1