Strategy and Improvement - Facilities

Burdekin Catholic High School has grown substantially in student and staff numbers and facilities over the last 10 years. 

Burdekin Catholic High School has a high reputation within the Burdekin region and throughout the North Queensland community.  Parents are strongly supportive of the school and the School Board are strong advocates for the current directions of the school.

The school has a strong pastoral care network that usually identifies students with problems and students are supported.  Burdekin Catholic High School has gained success in external measures of academic performance, such as NAPLAN, QCE results, ATAR scores, and various Mathematics and Science tests of National standing.  There are many examples that could be quoted to support these statements.  In order to perpetuate this academic strength, the school is currently developing strategies to encourage both teachers and students to aim towards development of improved student outcomes.

Burdekin Catholic High School strives to be an excellent example of an effective Catholic school in action.  An essential element in this is the recognition that, carrying the title of Catholic, BCHS is a servant of the Church’s mission.  Burdekin Catholic High School seeks to be an authentic expression of Jesus Christ alive in the world and to spread the Good News that is Jesus himself and his teaching. To this end, out key foci are:

  • to maintain a school environment where Christian beliefs and values are cherished and practised,
  • to promote to students a way of life that is authentically Christian.

All members of staff are called to be people who give witness to their faith. With the staff lies the primary responsibility for creating a Christian school climate as individuals and as a community. Our key foci are:

  • to provide ongoing opportunities to allow staff to grow in their understanding of the Christian tradition, including spirituality and Catholic ethos,
  • to foster each person’s attentiveness to how each can make a contribution to the fundamental mission of our school;

Burdekin Catholic High School strives to provide an excellent education with Jesus at the centre.  Students in our school should be imbued with a life-long thirst for knowledge and a passion for learning. They should be challenged and encouraged to succeed within a culture of high expectation and support. Our key foci are:

  • to plan for and manage this time of significant educational change, providing effective professional learning for teachers to adopt and adapt new curriculum requirements,
  • to support students and parents throughout the transition period,
  • to investigate ways of engaging students with curriculum so that students are challenged towards higher order thinking
  • in our pedagogy and the learning environment, to meet the challenge provided by having students of diverse ability within class structures.
  • to develop the learning environment in each classroom in such a way that students are enthusiastic, resilient and engaged learners.
  • to ensure the delivery of education for the 21st century by including technology as an essential support for good pedagogy.

We aim to establish and maintain pastoral well-being for students and staff creating a positive and harmonious environment. We aim to promote a culture of goodness where positive values are recognized and cherished.  Our key foci are:

  • to maintain a strong school-centered support for student well-being and personal growth
  • to promote social and emotional learning
  • to support staff to be enthusiastic, well-balanced and professional
  • to create an inclusive school community where the spirit of hospitality and welcome is strong and a sense of belonging is possible
  • to promote gospel values

BCHS will advance Indigenous Education in a positive way.  Our key focus is

  • to actively encourage indigenous students’ attendance and participation,
  • to work diligently to provide the best educational experience possible for our indigenous students.

Burdekin Catholic High School recognizes its role as a key Catholic institution within the Parish Community as well as its role within the wider Burdekin community.  We will continue to find ways to work creatively with the local Parish and to encourage parents to be true partners in the education of their children.  Our key focus is:

  • that the school continues to be a strong component of the Catholic life of the Burdekin;
  • that the school finds ways to involve and encourage parents to participate in the life of the school and to be real partners in the education of their children.

Our key focus is

  • To provide a school with well-maintained, attractive and student-friendly facilities
  • To provide staff with the equipment and facilities to best enable the education of our students

Over the past years Burdekin Catholic High School has seen vast and exciting improvements to our Buildings and Facilities.

Hospitality and Home Science

At the end of 2016, the school self-funded the construction of a Hospitality block comprising an Industrial Kitchen, Dining Room, Bar and Café area and a full Home Science Domestic Kitchen classroom.

The completion of this building allowed for the introduction of VET Certificate –based courses in Hospitality, which meets the needs of our students.

Trade Training Centre

In 2011, BCHS successfully applied for a Trade Training Centre.  The grant obtained was $995,000.  In order for the Trade Training Centre to be built, the school negotiated with the Burdekin Shire Council to purchase a section of Council land so that there was sufficient space for the new building.

The Trade Training Centre was completed at the end of 2013.  The TTC is a leading training facility for our students who are focused on securing a career pathway into a range of trades.

Our certificate courses provide Year 11 and 12 students with valuable industry standard skills. Junior students are provided with taster courses that allow them to make informed decisions about the pathway most suited to their needs.  The courses are supported by employer groups who offer specialised assistance and advice.

Flying Start

As part of the transition of Year 7 students to secondary in 2015 the school was successful in applying for Flying Start funding.

A new Music Centre was constructed and the current music rooms converted into a high tech general purpose area that will be used by Art students in creative computer design as well as by IT students. This space continues to develop with the inclusion of 3D printers, Laser Cutters, CNC Routers and Robotic and coding equipment.

The Dr Brian Glover Learning Resource Centre (Library) was constructed to provide up-to-date facilities for all student, with the previous library area converted into three classrooms for Year 7 students.

A general refurbishment campaign has seen computer rooms renovated, a classroom space converted into a staff area and an ICT Service Area, and three more classrooms renovated.

These developments were completed in 2014 in time for the introduction of Year 7 students in 2015.

Marcellin Centre

The Marcellin Centre has been fully enclosed, providing a fully equipped multi-purpose with sound room and stage.  This is an excellent facility for drama, physical education, school assemblies and presentations.

Currently, we have embarked on renovations of our student toilet facilities. Finally, the renovation of classroom spaces will occur to ensure school facilities are modern and provide a positive space for students to learn.

Reconciliation Action Plan


45 Gibson Street,
Ayr Qld 4807

P (07) 4783 2366
F (07) 4783 1579
F Visit BCHS’ Facebook Page


We are in week 4 of Term 4
There are 9 weeks in Term 4